The Last Woman to Hang: Ruth Ellis

Ruth Ellis was a 28-year-old mother-of-two when she became the last woman to be executed in the UK. She was hanged at Holloway Prison in north London – despite protests, petitions and a crowd of 500 people chanting outside – on 13 July 1955. Her death sentence, and the outcry… You must be a paid …

George Joseph Smith and the Brides in the Bath murders

The ‘Brides in the Bath’ murder case was an international sensation at a time when millions were dying in the trenches of World War One and Zeppelins were flying over London. It is the story of three women who died in almost identical circumstances shortly after marrying a bigamous swindler… You must be a paid …

The Nude Murders: ‘Jack the Stripper’

Between 1964 and 1965 six women were found dead in and around the River Thames. All of them had been strangled and all were naked, leading to their description as the ‘Nude Murders’. The first victim was 30 year-old Hannah Tailford, discovered in the river under a pier at Upper… You must be a paid …