The Fall in Violent Crime and Murder

The release of the ‘UK Peace Index‘ (pdf link) has again highlighted the decline in violent crime (including murder) since 2003. “This is the fastest decline in violence of any country in Europe,” the report concludes. It notes that the homicide rate (murder, manslaughter and infanticide) has halved over the last ten years to 1 …

How safe is London?

We were recently sent an email by a worried student asking about the likelihood of being murdered in London. This is perhaps not surprising given the prominence given to reports of teenagers being stabbed to death or shot. As we’ve repeatedly demonstrated, the number of homicide cases (both murder and manslaughter) has been going down …

Gangs, Murder and the Police

The launch of the new ‘Trident Gang Crime Command’ is being backed by the mother of murdered teenager Negus McLean. Negus was 15 years old when he was stabbed to death by a gang of youths in Edmonton, north London, on April 10, 2011. The case remains unsolved thanks to a ‘wall of silence’ preventing …

Emergency medicine and the murder rate

There are several possible explanations for the decrease in the murder rate in London over the last decade: longer sentences, better living standards, better policing and detective work, a decline in drug use, or perhaps just a greater respect for human life in general. All have a part to play, but it is easy to …

Reactions to a Murder

When someone is murdered in London, who notices? Aside from the obvious – witnesses, the local community, the police – the answer depends on the type of case and the victim. Carlos Roberto Oliveria was stabbed to death near Burnt Oak tube station in the early hours of Saturday, July 16. The first media report …