Subscribers can now add cases to our Historical Murder Map of London

We are testing a feature where paying subscribers (still only £5 a year) can add map markers to our Historical Murder Map of London, which includes some of the more notorious murder cases in the capital.

Although there are only 70 cases listed at present, we are trying to slowly add some of the murders dating back to the 19th Century that featured on the original map.

If you are a registered user you will see the following options below the map.

If you click on a location a red google pin marker will appear, and the GPS location will be automatically added. Alternatively you can work out the address on Google Maps and then paste the latitude and longitude (fore example: 51.423173, -0.432173).

Then give it a title (e.g. ‘Lord Lucan and the murder of Sandra Rivett’) and a description, confirm you are human by ticking the box and then click the ‘add marker’ button.

Please make sure you are adding a real London murder case (dating before the year 2000 AD) which is not already on the map.

The map markers have to be approved before they appear on the map to prevent anyone spamming cases or make up a murder.

We hope that opening up this particular map to user-generated markers will speed up the process of filling out the map and make it more useful and informative.

The map itself, plus the map markers and short description, are open to view for everyone. However some case reports (accessed via a link on the map marker bubble) are only available to subscribers.

We reserve the right to edit and change the text relating to any markers added by users.

Please email any questions or suggestions to or add a comment below.

Thanks for supporting the website.

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