Inquest reveals ‘missed safeguarding opportunities’ to prevent the murder of 31-year-old Laura Rakstelyte at her home in Ilford, east London
Tag archives: femicide
Year of the Ripper: Sarah Brown
One night did more than any other to establish the legend of ‘Jack the Ripper’. In the space of three-quarters of an hour in the early hours of September 30, 1888, two women were found lying on the ground with their throats cut. The first, Elizabeth Stride, in Whitechapel, and… You must be a paid …
Domestic Violence part 2
Last month we looked in detail at the issue of domestic violence (or intimate partner) homicides in London by looking at the cases for 2011. In part two, we compare the figures for previous years. So what are the trends in ‘DV’ homicides in London over the last five years? In brief, over 2008 to …