The working class area of Rotherhithe, south London, was described by Dickens as a place where the ‘accumulated scum of humanity seemed to be washed from higher grounds, like so much moral sewage.’ It was a community based around the docks and shipyards, warehouses and factories. Two of the local… You must be a paid …
Tag archives: manslaughter
Year of the Ripper: John Kellar
On Christmas Eve, 1888, a large group of friends were drinking at the Queen’s Head in Tanner Street, Bermondsey. As the name of the road suggests, the leather trade was important for the parish. Bermondsey was a working class area, populated by casual labourers, dockers and street sellers, many of… You must be a paid …
Year of the Ripper: Maria Rider
Maria Rider was 67 when she was knocked down by a horse-driven van in Borough, south London, on Thursday 19 January 1888. She was trying to cross the busy Borough end of Great Dover Street at the junction with Long Lane and had made it to the middle of the… You must be a paid …
Year of the Ripper: Michael Patten
Notting Hill and Notting Dale epitomised the contradictions of 19th Century London, a city wherein the poor lived yards away from people spending more in one day than they would in a year. In the sweeping crescents, gardens and walks along Ladbroke Grove down to Campden Hill and Holland Park… You must be a paid …
Year of the Ripper: William Hall
In the late 19th century the postal service was in the middle of a boom period and was making more than £3m a year net profit. ore than 100,000 people worked for the Post Office collecting, sorting and delivering 70 items of mail per person per year – after all,… You must be a paid …