On the night of Saturday 30 June 1888, William Walker, a 24 year-old labourer, and Robert Hodges, a 37 year-old ‘hawker’ or street seller, had been having a drink together in the Cooper’s Arms at 16 Sun Street, Finsbury, just outside the City of London. Walker owed Hodges a shilling… You must be a paid …
Tag archives: manslaughter
Fatal Injection: The unreported killing of Gary Fairfax
On 26 September 2017 the emergency services were called to a flat in Oaks Lane, Ilford. Paramedics arrived to find a 59-year-old man, Gary Fairfax, had apparently taken an overdose of heroin. His death was one of 1,164 due to heroin and morphine in England and Wales that year. Like… You must be a paid …
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Guinness and Cyanide: 1968
It seemed like a normal evening at the Beehive pub in St John’s Hill, Battersea. Just a few regulars nursing their drinks while the hits of 1968 played on the jukebox. Then at around 9pm the barmaid Eileen Pooley took a drink out of her half pint of Guinness and… You must be a paid …
Joseph Cullimore: The story of a fatal stabbing in east London
A teenager who stabbed a father-of-three to death at a flat in Chingford was jailed for six years.
Unsolved Murders in London: 2013
These six London murder cases from 2013 remain unsolved. Can you help? Call the police, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Joseph Burke-Monerville, 19, was shot dead in a suspected case of mistaken identity in Clapton on 16 February 2013. The teenager, a forensic science student at the London Metropolitan University, was sitting in a …