Year of the Ripper: Jane Healey

The working class area of Rotherhithe, south London, was described by Dickens as a place where the ‘accumulated scum of humanity seemed to be washed from higher grounds, like so much moral sewage.’ It was a community based around the docks and shipyards, warehouses and factories. Two of the local… You must be a paid …

Year of the Ripper: Margaret White

When James White battered his 67-year-old wife Margaret to death with a poker, one newspaper reported the case under the headline: ‘Warnings for “nagging wives” and brutal husbands!’. This inaccurate summary could never explain why their 41-year marriage ended in murder. The couple had raised a son and a daughter… You must be a paid …

The murder of Diane Dyer: Timeline of a Domestic Homicide

Three months before she was beaten to death in her own home, Diane Dyer met her killer while walking her dog. Diane was 61 years of age, with two adult children and two grandchildren. She had spent 41 of those years married to her ex-husband but had recently separated and… You must be a paid …